Guided Effortless Meditation

It’s so simple that you don’t have to do anything but close your eyes and be guided through a meditation that’s enjoyable and deeply relaxes your mind, and body so much so it’s more relaxing than that of deep sleep.

This is the ideal evidence-based service for employees within the workplace for supporting their mental health and emotional wellbeing, or for an individual within the community wanting to adopt a powerful self-care practice.

Self-Directed Effortless Meditation

This is the next level of practice from being guided.

This is where we teach and mentor you in the modern, simple process to meditating effortlessly on your own. You will be able to incorporate this practice into your daily routine and have it as a tool for your physical, mental and emotional health & wellbeing for the rest of your life!

Service benefits for employers

For employers Effortless Meditation (guided and self-directed) is the perfect service to address the increasing effects of mental illness and workplace stress on your employees. It’s a valuable asset - alongside EAP and other offerings you might have - for meeting your psychosocial requirements and looking after employee mental health, increasing productivity, performance and reducing workplace stress, absenteeism and presenteeism.

Reports show:

  1. Mental illness within the workplace costs up to approx. $17.4 billion per year in Australia in lost productivity.

  2. Lost productivity, absenteeism and presenteeism due to workplace stress cost approx. $10.9 billion per year in Australia, and

  3. On average across all industry sectors in Australia for every $1 invested into employee wellbeing there’s a $2.30 return, while in certain sectors that figure can be $3.60 to $5.70! (in the case of first responders $7)

    Sources - Creating a mentally healthy workplace (, Work-related Mental Disorders Profile ( and Draft report - Mental Health - Productivity Commission (

Overall benefits for the workplace

  • Assists with an increase in productivity and creativity, facilitating better results and outcomes for employers, employees and clients alike.

  • Improved mental health, building greater resilience, enhancing decision making, and assisting employees to create better solutions.

  • Decreased feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and fatigue improving health, sleep and contributing to reduced absenteeism or presenteeism.

  • Enhanced focus, concentration and memory, which contributes to learning and the ability to process information.

  • Increased emotional stability and improved mood, helping to build a better workplace culture and interpersonal relationships. This creates a safer environment for employees and may enhance your workplace as a preferred employer or place of employment.

Personal Growth Coaching

Small group and 1-on-1 growth coaching services, depending on the needs and preference of an individual, ensure that people are fully supported through the process of change.

This coaching will assist individuals, whether in the workplace or broader community, to make shifts in their mindset (outdated belief systems related to themselves, others, and the world).

It involves identifying, addressing, and eventually dissolving self-limiting beliefs, mental, emotional reactions, behaviours and habits that continue to play out, mostly unconsciously, within their life and hinder them from living their desired full potential within their professional, personal or social life.

Workshops for Personal Growth & Development

Mini workshops that are conducted in a small forum of max. 20 people that are geared to assist in the personal development and growth of each individual in attendance whether in the workplace or the broader community.

These workshops greatly support individuals in the process of change, going hand in hand with the growth also experienced through a regular Effortless Meditation practice. They include topics like “Minimise Stress: understanding & managing your ‘Stress Cycle’ and tools to assist with managing your Stress Cycle like - Emotional Processing Technique